High Conflict Divorce and Parenting Services

Jayne offers the following high conflict divorce services to help you navigate your pre-, current, or post-divorce/separation situation:

Supervised and Therapeutic Supervised Visitation

During high conflict divorce situations, the relationship between children and one or both parents may become strained or severed. Supervised visitation is typically ordered by the Court to ensure children’s safety during these times. Research indicates that children tend to do best when they have reliable, safe, and nurturing relationships with both parents.

Supervised visitation is typically ordered by the Court to ensure children’s safety when divorced or separating parents are in high conflict situations. It is based on two premises:

  • Children’s emotional and physical safety should always be guaranteed.
  • Children do best when they have reliable, safe, and nurturing relationships with both parents.

Therapeutic supervised visitation might be recommended in situations where there is significant inter-parental discord or where the non-custodial parent:

  • May be estranged or alienated from the child
  • May have a mental illness
  • May have poor parenting skills
  • May have demonstrated a threat to abscond with the child
  • May have or have had a substance abuse problem
  • May have been physically, sexually, or emotionally abusive to the child
  • May have problematic, harmful, or disordered interaction with the child

How Jayne can help you:

Jayne specializes in providing supervised and therapeutic supervised visitation services, either in the privacy of her therapeutic office, in your home, or in the community. In the context of the therapeutic supervision, Jayne will play a more active role in evaluating and intervening to assist you and your child in establishing or reestablishing a viable and healthy relationship.

FAQ about Supervised / Therapeutic Supervised Visitation

What is supervised visitation?
What is supervised/monitored exchange?
What is therapeutic supervised visitation?
What are the benefits to therapeutic supervised visitation?
How is supervised visitation obtained?

Parenting Coordination

Parenting Coordination is a child-focused alternative dispute resolution process, accessed before, during or after divorce/separation, in which a mental health professional assists high conflict parents to develop and implement helpful parenting plans by facilitating conflict resolution. Important goals are to educate parents about their children’s needs and teach them more effective ways to communicate.

How Jayne can help you:

Using essential mediation skills, Jayne will meet with you and your ex (or soon-to-be-ex) toward achieving the goal of establishing and maintaining a healthy co-parental relationship and avoiding chronic litigation. She will help you identify and settle disputes regarding parenting issues, reach proposed joint resolutions, develop and implement collaborative methods of parenting, and help you comply with court orders.

FAQ about Parenting Coordination

What is a Parenting Coordinator?
Does a PC have to be court ordered?
What are some of the goals of a PC?

Parenting Education

Parenting Education is a service that offers support and education to foster parenting skills and help parents raise confident, caring, responsible and productive children. Do you:

  • Want to increase confidence in your parenting skills?
  • Want to better understand your child’s behavior?
  • Need help creating a parenting partnership?
  • Want to learn how to set reasonable limits and develop appropriate expectations?

How Jayne can help you:

With compassion, gentleness, and curiosity, Jayne will meet with you (alone or with your partner) to assess your parenting needs, help you understand your feelings and motivations, and guide you toward healthier and more effective parenting.

FAQ about Parenting Education

How can parenting education help?
What specifically can parenting educators help with?
Can parents be seen together or separately?